Whatsapp Integration using Chat-Api

Hello everyone! :smile:
I am currently working on integrating rocket chat with WhatsApp using the Chat-Api’s unofficial API. While I know that rocket chat integrates easily with Twilio’s official WhatsApp broker, Twilio’s cost per message can easily add up. So that’s my main motivation with this project.

The project is currently under development, and I can exchange text messages between the two platforms. The multimedia message exchange is currently under development though as I’m having a bit of trouble with Chat-Api.

Anyways, here’s my project on Github.


I tested the integration and noticed that after the second contact every message opens a new room.

While I haven’t removed all the finished chats, it doesn’t stop opening new rooms.

We are offering this service in with a simple bot integration in Rocket Chat
https://rgwit.be/en/products/rocketchat/ it takes up 10 min to set up your existing number

It even allows you to open new chats, not like the API offered by Facebook where you can only receive new customers

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Hi @kevinppaulo, i noticed that the github repository is out. Are you still working on this? I have a similar need, with another provider (Infobip). Regards

Olá Jerson, bom dia.

Como anda sua integração do Rocket.chat com o WhatsApp. Eu vi ali no Fórum que voce estava testando a integração via chat-api.com, mas para cada nova mensagem abria uma nova conversa.
Lembro desse problema após uma atualização do Rocket.chat, mas logo depois foi corrigido.

Hoje eu estou integrando o Rocket.chat usando o serviço do Twilio com um número contratado com eles, porém eu gostaria de interagir usando o meu próprio número fixo.

Peço por favor que voce me dê notícias se conseguiu evoluir nesse sentido.

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Check our solution, we managed to do it easily for anyone to use an API and WhatsApp with RocketChat

No complications, use your own number, open new conversations without paying templates, and you can use Rocket Chat Events integrations to receive the messages to your CRM or ERP.

Hi! We just announced our oficial WhatsApp integration here on Forums.
Check it out: New WhatsApp integration available for all Community workspaces - #2