Whatsapp Integration (new channel or live chat)

Here in Brazil most people use Whatsapp for communication.

It would be great if a chat in Whatsapp Business could behave like a live chat in Rocket Chat that we already use embeded in our Website.

What do you guys think?

Is that even possible?




Here is the API documentation https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/api/reference

And how do I integrate with this API?

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We are offering this service in with a simple bot integration in Rocket Chat
https://rgwit.be/en/products/rocketchat/ it takes up 10 min to set up your existing number

It even allows you to open new chats, not like the API offered by Facebook where you can only receive new customers

Would also be good to link the webinar coming soon:


Eu consegui integrar com baixo custo. Roda até na sua máquina pessoal. Preço único. Só a instalação da API.

Olá, Karlos
Tudo bem?
Teria alguma forma de entrar em contato com você?

Hi! We just announced our oficial WhatsApp integration here on Forums.
Check it out: New WhatsApp integration available for all Community workspaces - #2