Rocket.Chat + WhatsApp ( Twilio)

I can receive a WhatsApp message on Rocket.Chat but when replying it does not reach WhatsApp.

RocketChat + WhatsApp integration through Twilio.

How can I solve this problem?

Below is the log that is generated.

I20200509-01:10:47.001(0) Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Got the event arguments for the event: sendMessage { event: ‘sendMessage’, message: { _id: ‘KKHDpYe6hc7c2jejA’, rid: ‘2g6yRAbWs3gRiYyLi’, msg: ‘aaaaa’, ts: 2020-05-09T01:10:46.930Z, u: { _id: ‘w2neAzET8Bkzq8Efn’, username: ‘admin’, name: ‘Atualnet’ }, _updatedAt: 2020-05-09T01:10:46.968Z, mentions: , channels: }, room: { _id: ‘2g6yRAbWs3gRiYyLi’, msgs: 29, usersCount: 2, lm: 2020-05-09T01:10:34.270Z, fname: ‘5519993687685’, t: ‘l’, ts: 2020-05-09T00:06:56.604Z, v: { _id: ‘sNaRye4FMJiGqec38’, username: ‘5519993687685’, token: ‘JEkvSAvXp7oWpdGjb’, status: ‘online’, lastMessageTs: 2020-05-09T01:10:31.740Z }, cl: false, open: true, sms: { from: ‘whatsapp:+551940422020’ }, _updatedAt: 2020-05-09T01:10:34.363Z, servedBy: { _id: ‘w2neAzET8Bkzq8Efn’, username: ‘admin’, ts: 2020-05-09T00:06:56.658Z }, lastMessage: { _id: ‘zbbjut6Dj2wxw93HC’, rid: ‘2g6yRAbWs3gRiYyLi’, msg: ‘abc’, ts: 2020-05-09T01:10:34.270Z, u: [Object], _updatedAt: 2020-05-09T01:10:34.321Z, mentions: , channels: }, metrics: { v: [Object], reaction: [Object], response: [Object], servedBy: [Object] }, responseBy: { _id: ‘w2neAzET8Bkzq8Efn’, username: ‘admin’, lastMessageTs: 2020-05-09T01:10:34.361Z } } }

I20200509-01:10:47.004(0) Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Starting search for triggers for the room: 2g6yRAbWs3gRiYyLi

I20200509-01:10:47.006(0) Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Found 0 to iterate over and see if the match the event.

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do you configured the SMS Twilio SID and enabled it?

I did the configuration and it worked. Thank you.

We are offering this service in with a simple bot integration in Rocket Chat it takes up 10 min to set up your existing number

It even allows you to open new chats, not like the API offered by Facebook where you can only receive new customers and cheaper than twilio!