Update your Rocket.ChatNew version available (7.2.1) (SNAP)

What version are you coming from?
Version 7.0.0

What version are you going to?

What deployment method did you use to deploy?

Did you follow a particular doc? Which one?


What issues are you running into upgrading?

I´ve changed the upgrade channel to:
snap switch rocketchat-server --channel=7.x/stable
But as you can see the server / rocket chat cannot find any upgrade to the latest version which apparently seems to be version 7.2.1.

Thoughts? :thinking:

Thanks in advance.
Kindr egards

See the Ubuntu Snap FAQ for why snaps are released later.

Same reason since almost when snaps were released.

When will my snap installation get the latest release?


It is what it is. There is NO fixed schedule.

They just haven’t released a newer version as yet. 7.0 is supported for 6 months.

Snaps are the most used deployment. They do not upgrade them without a lot of thought and testing to save everyone complaining that stuff has broken. If there is a delay it is to fix an issue.

If you want cutting edge then use a different type of deployment. Snaps will get released as and when they feel ready to do so and nothing is going to change that.

You can of course use docker, or just takes the source code and build it yourself.

So you do have a choice. Sit and wait patiently, or use another deployment method.

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Thanks for the answer and explanation. It is appreciated!
I just saw the notification over and over that a new version has been released and I could not directly figure out why it was not available on the Snaps version. But you have explained it neatly, so now I know why! :+1:

Kind regards

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I understand that there have been some internal organisational changes that have also delayed some things.

There will be a release but I don’t know when. Probably “quite soon”… In the next couple of weeks at a guess.

But how “long is a piece of string”? :rofl::rofl:

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I’m waiting too for a new version. There is 7.3 available but still there is no Snap newer than 7.0.0.

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Said it many times. If you want latest then use docker. If not relax and enjoy stability.

I would agree that the notification is an annoyance.