No, the bug was upgrading TO v7.0.x and NOT from 7.0 up.
As far as I can see on my test server there have been no 7.1 or 7.2 releases.
7.x/stable: 7.0.0 2024-11-20 (1633) 454MB -
Possibly due to lack of people around the Christmas period.
As the biggest install base is via snap they usually take some time to release an update for better Q & A testing etc. Usually at least 2 weeks after a release, so normally around the 15th of the month.
If you want more up to date use docker. If not be patient - the wait means less problems for you hopefully.
No, the bug was upgrading TO v7.0.x and NOT from 7.0 up.
This was also my understanding, but you mentioned it as a solution for the problem from DiNerve, which fits exactly my issue
As far as I can see on my test server there have been no 7.1 or 7.2 releases.
Yes, this was also my feeling. The 7.0.0 looks like the latest available snap-version
All in all: Looks like we have to wait until new versions are released