Introducing snap tracks
A long requested feature from our snap users has been to have more control over their upgrades. Cases like where we release 2.0 and maybe it changes a behavior they want a bit more time to adjust for. Or more importantly they want to be there when the snap is updated in case something goes wrong.
Snap tracks are a simple way for you as a user to control which version of Rocket.Chat you are running.
By default if you perform:
snap install rocketchat-server
You are put into the “latest” track. This means you will always get the latest release no matter what.
We have now introduced the 2.x
track. Switching to this track means that you will only receive updates related to our 2.x releases. So when we release 3.0 to snaps your server will ignore it.
Switching to a track
To switch to the 2.x track you need to run:
snap switch rocketchat-server --channel=2.x/stable
Much like the normal latest track you have stable / candidate / edge. We will likely continue to make use of candidate to release minor updates to before we move them over to stable.
If you do want to be in one of those other channels you can do:
snap switch rocketchat-server --channel=2.x/candidate
We’d still strongly recommend staying in the stable channel for production.
Upgrading between tracks
When comes time to upgrade to another version you can choose when to make this update happen.
First backup your data
Then you can perform:
snap switch rocketchat-server --channel=3.x/stable
Now that we are beginning the use of tracks. We’d like to know from you. Is this useful? How would you like to be informed of new tracks being released?
We are investigating the possibility of maybe opening the track sooner if not with new releases? So maybe the release notes?
We’d love to hear your thoughts!