Rocket.Chat Keeps on Asking Me to Register My (6-year Old) Workspace


I host my own instance of Rocket.Chat on my a server at Digital Ocean for 6 years now. For a complete of weeks now, since the latest updates, Rocket.Chat has been bugging me to confirm whether my instance is a new or a “configuration update”. Until today, clicking “Configuration Update” was enough to get this pesky popu to go away. No matter what I click, I’m directed to Ptidej Team Chat again, and again, and again.
Impossible to use my own instance :frowning:
Not that the mobile app works fine.
I have tried clearing the cache of my Web browser, I have tried a different Web browser, I have tried stopping and restarting MongoDB and Rocket.Chat on my server to no avail.

Had anyone the same trouble and how can I fix it once and for all?

To take a step back maybe, why am I facing this problem with my own instance?

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 6.12.0
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: I don’t know what that is
  • NodeJS Version: 14.17.3
  • MongoDB Version:
  • Proxy: nginx
  • Firewalls involved: No

Any additional Information

It’s really unusable :man_facepalming:
No matter what I click (“Configuration Update” or “New Workspace”), I go back to this awful:

Are you using the correct URL on RocketChat-server?
I updated mine and it gave me this error, so I just changed the URL to the one I use and it worked perfectly.

Yes, it was actually part of the previous loop: until today, when Rocket.Chat would claim that I have a new configuration, I would select “Configuration Update” and then get another pop-up telling me that the URL is “localhost:3000” and asking me to change for “” (the correct URL). I would select “Yes”, and it’d work.

But, since today, Rocket.Chat doesn’t even ask me that question because both “Configuration Update” and “New Workspace” lead to this page asking me to re-register.

Go to the server and run this code if it is in snap snap set rocketchat-server siteurl=

then it will change directly, then the error will no longer appear

Thank you Jaison!

Interestingly, after running the code above, when I reloaded the page, the “Register your workspace” page was replace by this one, asking me to change the URL! :crazy_face:

Selecting “Yes” leads to a page asking about the identification…

Selecting “Configuration Update” leads to the registration page again…

PS. Notice that the “Register your workspace” page is always showing the “Step 3 of 4”. I don’t know what Steps 1 and 2 are… No matter what I do, Rocket.Chat displays only this particular step of the registration process…

Yes, because on the RocketChat page, where your workspace registration is located, it is registered there as and you have to register it again for it to work. But after doing this, it goes normally.

So I tried again: I put my e-mail address, accepted the terms, and waited for the e-mail.
After receiving the e-mail and accessing the given URL, I saw this page:

I then went on to… and it shows me again the “Register your workspace” page (as above), again…

A kind of infinite loop :man_shrugging:

Press control + f5 to clear the cache and log in again

Oh, I have tried that already!
I even tried two different Web browsers (Edge and Firefox)…

Just to confirm: after Control + F5, it’s still the “Register your workspace” that’s being shown :frowning:

restart the service to see if it authenticates to the rocketchat cloud again.

I only stopped/restarted rocketchat-server (using service snap.rocketchat-server.rocketchat-server stop), should I stop something else too?

Stopping/Restarting just the server, and then Control + F5, still shows the same “Register your workspace” page…

Oh, it worked just now! :slight_smile:
I don’t know if you did some magic, Jaison, but thank you for your help!

Hopefully, I won’t have these troubles anymore…

Edit: I cry victory to quickly… It worked for a few minutes but it again shows the “Register your workspace” page :crazy_face:

Você chegou a deletar a workspace no cloud e adicionar uma nova?

Não que eu saiba!

I haven’t changed anything myself: my host server was rebooted few weeks ago and Rocket.Chat (and friends) were updated by snap.

Actually, maybe it’s an opportunity for me to understand exactly what a “Workspace” is. Because I ran a self-hosted instance of Rocket.Chat: what is its “Workspace” and how does it interact with my instance? Why do I have to register a “Workspace”?

Any suggestion on how to get my instance to work again in the browser?

Maybe the problem come from forcing a “Pro Plan” on my instance :man_facepalming:

So, I tried again to register my “new” workspace but this time, instead of opening the verification link in the same browser the Web interface, I opened it in a different browser.

When I went back to the original browser and refreshed the page, I could access the Web interface finally. It’s been “stable” for a couple of hours now.

However, immediately after registering my “new” workspace, I received an e-mail about " A 30-day Pro trial has begun on your Rocket.Chat workspace named Ptidej Team Chat configured to be accessed at"

I didn’t ask for that… and could it be the reason for the “loop”?