Version of Rocket.Chat Server Snap for Ubuntu?

My existing Rocket.Chat snap installation is version 0.66.3 and I did a, “sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server” but it said, “snap rocketchat-server has no updates available.” Are we supposed to be on version 0.68.1 right now?

I’m looking forward to getting the auto pruning feature as soon as possible to clean out old messages automatically, and I’m hoping that version 0.68.1 has that feature built in.

Thank you!


Same situation here - sitting on 0.66.3.
“snap rocketchat-server has no updates available.”
Installation via snap on Ubuntu 18.04.
Any hint would be highly appreciated…

Thank you very much.

They have some problems producing the snap version at the moment I was told. They are working on it. So let’s just wait and hope they solve the problem soon.

is this the same for the actual version 1.2.0 vs 1.1.3 ?
