I have two instances of Rocket Chat installed on two separate Digital Ocean droplets.
Both were installed using Snaps and installed independently of each other. Each has no activity and a maximum of three users configured. Only usage is the occasional API call on one as we are in early days of app development and no activity on the other. Every few days the CPU utilisation jumps to 100% and then drops back to normal after a variable period. Attached are usage maps for both showing last 14 days.
The peak CPU activity does not relate to any user or API activity on the platform.
We have not been able to captor top to see what resource is causing the issue or any other live logging details but we have now implemented alerts and hope to capture logging details when the problem happens again.
Server Setup Information
Droplet: 1 GB Memory / 25 GB Disk / LON1 - Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) x64
Version: 3.12.1
Apps Engine Version : 1.23.0
Node Version : v12.18.4
Database Migration: 218 (March 26, 2021 9:56 AM
MongoDB: 3.6.14 / wiredTiger (oplog Enabled)
Deployment Method: SNAPS
Number of Running Instances: one in each droplet