RocketChat 3.7.0 High CPU usage


I installed the last version of RocketChat (3.7.0) this morning. And since then, the CPU usage increased from 5% to 55%. I don’t know why and I don’t see anything suspicious in the logs.

I restarted the server but the problem didn’t resolve.

Is there a way to solve this problem or to rollback to the older version ?

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.7.0
  • Operating System: Debian 10
  • Deployment Method: tar
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled
  • NodeJS Version: 12.14.0 - x64
  • MongoDB Version: 4.0.12
  • Proxy: apache
  • Firewalls involved: ufw

Additional informations

Logs rocketchat

I20201001-07:58:29.915(2) Setting default file store to FileSystem 
I20201001-07:58:34.789(2) (migrations.js:120) Migrations: Not migrating, already at version 206
I20201001-07:58:34.965(2) ufs: temp directory created at "/tmp/ufs" 
I20201001-07:58:40.553(2) Updating process.env.MAIL_URL 
I20201001-07:58:40.625(2) Loaded the Apps Framework and loaded a total of 1 Apps! 
I20201001-07:58:40.681(2) Using GridFS for custom sounds storage 
I20201001-07:58:40.683(2) Using GridFS for custom emoji storage 
I20201001-07:58:41.294(2) ➔ System ➔ startup 
I20201001-07:58:41.294(2) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+ 
I20201001-07:58:41.295(2) ➔ |                 SERVER RUNNING                | 
I20201001-07:58:41.295(2) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+ 
I20201001-07:58:41.295(2) ➔ |                                               | 
I20201001-07:58:41.295(2) ➔ |  Rocket.Chat Version: 3.7.0                   | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |       NodeJS Version: 12.14.0 - x64           | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |      MongoDB Version: 4.0.12                  | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |       MongoDB Engine: mmapv1                  | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |             Platform: linux                   | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |         Process Port: 3000                    | 
I20201001-07:58:41.296(2) ➔ |             Site URL: https://XXXX            | 
I20201001-07:58:41.297(2) ➔ |     ReplicaSet OpLog: Enabled                 | 
I20201001-07:58:41.297(2) ➔ |          Commit Hash: 2c82cd9cee              | 
I20201001-07:58:41.297(2) ➔ |        Commit Branch: HEAD                    | 
I20201001-07:58:41.297(2) ➔ |                                               | 
I20201001-07:58:41.297(2) ➔ +-----------------------------------------------+ 

Output “top” command

top - 09:27:53 up  1:30,  1 user,  load average: 1.25, 1.22, 1.18
Tasks:  96 total,   3 running,  89 sleeping,   0 stopped,   4 zombie
%Cpu(s): 38.7 us, 12.6 sy,  0.0 ni, 42.3 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  6.3 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem :  4032032 total,  1596268 free,   731196 used,  1704568 buff/cache
KiB Swap:    61436 total,    61436 free,        0 used.  3065696 avail Mem 
  scroll coordinates: y = 1/96 (tasks), x = 1/12 (fields)
   PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                        
  1009 rocketc+  20   0 2559464 562948  40848 R  68.4 14.0  64:24.83 node                           
   643 mongodb   20   0 6482936  90120  49740 S  43.9  2.2  38:39.05 mongod                         
     1 root      20   0   57184   6920   5360 S   0.0  0.2   0:00.68 systemd  

Thank you for your help and have a nice day !

Take a look at:

Oops didn’t see this thread.

Thanks for the help !

Thank you! I’ve had this issue for a while now.