I got the exact same issue. I checked the console of the web and guessed the reason is that there is a fetch request was calling to the localhost:3000 and got no response. Wonder if it related to the Site URL? Anyhow, ve tried to change the Site URL through .env or even the .yml but not working…
I found the cause of the issue (or atleast mine). Apparently even when you run docker compose down, it does not totally wipe the mongodb data. I originally had run the docker compose without changing the ROOT_URL.
After hours and hours of searching, I finally stumbled upon the answer. Run the command “docker compose down --volumes” while the containers are running and this will wipe the mongodb.
Make sure your .env file is correct and run “docker compose up -d” again and it should change the site URL to what you have listed in the .env file.
I had the same issue. I removed the containers but had to also include a flag to delete the volume for the mongodb since I initially created the containers before I made the .env file.
To clear the volume and start over from scratch (your compose .yml and .env file should be safe, just make sure the ROOT_URL is what you want it to be), run
“docker compose down --volumes”
and you should see not only do the containers and network bridge get destroyed, but also the volume used for the mongodb.
From there run “docker compose up -d” and either check the rocketchat log or navigate to the URL and see if that works. Hope this helps!
It looks like it has been fixed in 6.4.4 (or maybe even 6.4.3). You can either wait for that version to be pushed to 6.x/stable OR (like me) you can update the channel for your rocket chat instance with the following command:
My environment is snap as well. I believe mine is working now. not totally sure what I done since I was fighting this since last Friday trying everything I know and Google LOL. But what seem to work was putting the ip address in the site url. I know that is not ideal but if that is what it takes I was here for it. Hope this helps…