Rocket Chat 5.4.1 - Support for marketplace and push notifications


Clarification on the community guideline for marketplace applications

Post the support window closure - Will the restriction be imposed on the existing installed marketplace apps on Rocket chat 5.4.1 ? Will they continue to function same as before without requiring any additional changes.

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 5.4.1
  • Operating System: Linux

Apps Engine Version

Node Version

5.0.18 / unknown (oplog Enabled)

Hello, @neerajV!

I hope you’re doing well :slight_smile:

The previously installed apps will continue working on your workspace, but if you don’t stay current with the supported version, the following will occur:

  1. It will not be possible to install new apps
  2. It will not be possible to request new apps
  3. it will not be possible to update the installed apps to a newer version in case of a new release

Please let us know if you need any help from us :wink:
Best regards, Bárbara Zanella.

Thanks, Barbara!

This is helpful. On a general note, with respect to installed market place apps already in use. Do we need to be logged in continuously (I think it refers to being ‘Connected’ on the path ‘Workspace’ → ‘Connectivity Services’) in order to continue using the installed apps?

Thanks and Regards,

No, you still will be able to use the installed apps in case you disconnect from our Cloud Services, except for the apps that use our Omni-Gateway, which will stop working if you disconnect.

Best Regards, Bárbara Zanella :slight_smile: