Reminder app in rocket chat marketplace

A slack like reminder slash command to set reminder, app in rocket chat marketplace.


This would come in handy! specially from people/companies who are migrating from Slack


Working on a Scheduler API is definitely on our roadmap, although unfortunately we couldn’t give it the proper attention yet :confused:

Anyways, we’re accepting PRs :wink:


Coming late to this party, but would a scheduler app (API?) that could also set up passwords for video conferences be (a) feasible and (b) of wider interest?

Workflow would be something like “schedule meeting in (your calendar system), which sets up 3rd party service to launch discussion/video conference at given time”

This may be using an “invite video conf user” by email address, where email is delivered to the scheduling service which in turn is authorised to set up the meeting for you, with the bot user and creator of the meeting are both moderators. This would seem the most flexible in terms of working with multiple calendar systems; it just requires the calendar admin to create a bot user that forwards emails to a pre-configured address).

I would like to know that , can i schedule a meeting video/audio from an api. And get a link for the same as response. then when a authorized user clicked on the URL . This user get access to that meeting link. Is this functionality available?

The scheduling would have to be done outside Rocket as it stands, with a bot user for the meeting creation/initiation.

The new Scheduler API has been introduced in the Apps-Engine 1.19.0 (Rocket.Chat v3.8), and someone already got in the works! GitHub - croz-ltd/Rocket.Chat.App-Remind check it out folks :slight_smile:

So the Scheduler API could be used to call a Jitsi Meet session with a pre-determined meeting name?

I have implement Jitsi meet for this.
Setup jitsi in my self hosted and implemented a JWT to secure.

@nafil.developer you have a way to schedule Jitsi meetings via Rocket? So we could make an appointment with an external person and just send them a Jitsi URL for the agreed time?

No i didn’t find the solution like that.

I have a requirement as i need to schedule the video meeting from my application . But in Rocket chat it will support from the group or chat (option to enable from admin).

so i hosted the jitsi seperatly in my server and i have setuped a JWT Auth and connected directly from my website. Also Connected Rocket Chat with the same self hosted with JWT given.

Is the app already out or just in the works?

EDIT: Sorry, i see it’s still in the works. Got a little too excited!

i see the app in the Marketplace but when i try to install i get an error “Invalid Purchase Type”

Thanks for the notice! We’ll be checking this issue soon

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Thank you! It’s a feature that our users have been anxious for

Should be working now! :smiley:

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Thank you! Installing it now to check it out! Thank you again.

I don’t know if anyone else has got this app to work, but i can’t get it to work. From the Github of the app looks like other users are experiencing same issues. who does the Q/A for apps turned into the MarketPlace? i know it’s a free app so i don’t have much to complain about, but i feel that the apps offered should…work

Hi guys,

Where do I find this solution?
I didn’t find it in the marketplace

I’ve given up on this