Send a message from the scheduler


I’m working on an application which would send a daily message to a specific room.
Looking at the docs, it seems like the interface to send messages is only accessible from slashcommands, message events and UI feature.

Is there any way to send a message? Currently my callback is in a scheduler processor.

Context about the application:
I want to create the same slack app for rocket

Kind regards


Please, take a look on how it’s done with Koko

Also, consider joining our Channel for App developers to get help and help others :slight_smile:

Thanks @dudanogueira,
This app has a lot of entrypoints that in my opinion are missing in the documentation (Rocket.Chat App - Rocket.Chat Developer).
I think this document website lacks 2 things:

  • how to reach the developer community (forum/channel for app developers as you mentioned)
  • real word open source application

Thanks again

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