Reminder app in rocket chat marketplace

Hi, any news about reminder app?

GitHub - croz-ltd/Rocket.Chat.App-Remind looks dead :frowning:

Hello All :wave: Iโ€™m quite excited to share my new Reminder app over here. This app is very similar to the native Slack reminder app. It has all its features, the commands are the same plus youโ€™d find all the reminder management methods too over here (like marking as complete, snoozing and deleting).

Check out this doc for more info about this app.

Also, feel free to reach out to me on any below-mentioned channels if you wish to share any feedback or suggestions or even criticism.

Open server of Rocket.Chat: Rocket.Chat

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This application is still under review, could you share with us the reason?

Kind regards

Agree with that question.
Is it safe ti install that Reminder app manually?

Hi @mathrb @anton.karlan Just an update here, the app is not published on the marketplace :tada: Feel free to download it from the marketplace now and let me know if you face any issues. Also please donโ€™t hesitate to share your feedback or any feature requests to me :smile: