Problem with Push-Notifications on Custom Mobile App

we are facing problems using custom Push-Notifications with our Whitelabeled Rocektchat-App.
We added the project to Google Firebase, inserted the “google-services.json”, and registered the corresponding Server-Key and Sender-ID on our Rocket-Chat Server, as instructed here:
When sending a Test-Notification the following happens:
-On the first try after Logging in on the App it says “Push-Notification was sent to 1 Device” in the Admin Panel, but no Notification is received on the phone. The Server-Log says, there is a mismatch in the sender ids, but we have triple checked that the ids are correct

-When trying to send Notification for the second time it says “There are no Tokens found for this user, [error-no-tokens-for this-user]”. The Log says:.

This Problem happens for both the Android and the iOS Version of our Apps.
The Server is running on a Linux Environment

Things we tried/checked:
-All Keys/IDs/Certificates are correct
-We recreated the Firebase project and updated the google-services file in the App
-We set up a new clean install of the Rocketchat-Server
-We restarted both the App and the Server multiple times
-In the Push-Notification Settings the Notifications are enabled and the gateway disabled
-The package names are identical for the Apps and the Firebase project

Apart from this issue, everything is working as intended, meaning a user can log in on the app and send and receive messages just like in the Official App.
Thanks in advance

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We also have deployed a white labelled RC RN app. In addition we use our own push gateway with its own key set, and notifications arrive promptly. Maybe the mechanism to send push messages directly to Firebase / APN is broken or has been deprecated since RC introduced mandatory server registration.

Hi. How did you make an own gateway? Is it for Android or Apple too?