Updating Rocket.Chat snap to 4.x track

Updating from 3.x track

If you’re currently tracking 3.x/edge or 3.x/stable, you’ll have to first refresh to the latest revision. In other words your Rocket.Chat version must be 3.18.3 (latest in 3.x track) before you can switch to 4.x/stable or 4.x/edge channels.

sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server

Once this succeeds,

sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server --channel=4.x/stable

If you want to track edge then change the channel to 4.x/edge.

Upgrading from 2.x or latest track

If you’re still on track 2.x, you must first upgrade to 3.x before you can move to 4.x.

sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server --channel=3.x/stable
sudo snap refresh rocketchat-server --channel=4.x/stable

Again change to edge if neccessary.

Without being at the latest revision of 3.x, current installs cannot upgrade to 4.x. If you attempt to do so you’ll see an error like this -

error: snap "rocketchat-server" is not available on 4.x/stable