Full Screen Black Screen in Rocket.Chat Client – No Title/Border Display

Hi guys,
Full black screen in Rocket.Chat client on Fedora 38 with Wayland—no window borders, titlebar, or controls. This issue has been present since v37, and Rocket.Chat is the only app affected.
When using Xorg, the window borders appear, but under Wayland, it’s just a black screen with no title or controls.
Anyone else facing this or know how to fix it? Please guide me how to fix if anyone knows it.Thank you .

Saw similar comment elsewhere.

Need to open a well documented issue in the electron repo.

It’s possibly a Wayland bug but Rocket should know.

Hi ,
Thanks for the suggestion!
I will open a well-documented issue in the Electron GitHub repo as recommended. In the meantime, it seems like this black screen issue might be related to Wayland, so I’ll also check the guide you linked.

What’s the issue number?

Paste here for reference.