Changing default port

I just installed rocket chat using snap. How can i change its port from default port 3000 to any other port?

Recommended to set up caddy in front:

This also has added benefit of giving you ssl for privacy and security. :slight_smile:

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Its already running a flask server on 3000 port and i install using snap which port it will run?

It’ll still try to bind to 3000. This is something we will want change in the future with snaps.

Unfortunately no way to override this currently

Hi naman
you should use this command

This is an example to run on port 4000 instead of 3000 and set database name to rocketchat instead of parties

sudo snap set rocketchat-server port=4000


Thanks for replying here. Yes that command has been implemented since this was answered. :+1:

Marked your post as the new solution for others that find this in the future

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