I have been using the rocketchat server since version 5 over 4 months ago and have Jitsi set up as a provider for video calls, which I use when a contact joins via livechat. Everything was fine until I installed version 6.6.0 where I started having problems because when starting the video call in a new room (from livechat) rocketchat freezes. This happened again in the new version 6.6.1 and couldn’t find the problem. To solve it I had to downgrade to version 6.5.3. As information, I have the Jitsi application in the latest version available. Can you help me diagnose or does anyone else get this problem? In any other room, as a direct message or channel, it doesn’t happen to me, the video call starts fine in a new browser window. Thank you
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 6.6.1 (Community)
- Operating System: ubuntu server 22.04
- Deployment Method: tar
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog:
- NodeJS Version: 14.21.3
- MongoDB Version: 5.0.22
- Proxy: nginx
- Firewalls involved: none