"You are operating multiple instances... some features will not behave as designed"


Just noticed this in the logfile and was wondering if it has anything to do with our push notifications working poorly? I have no clue why RC claims to run multiple instances, as it’s a single server and have always been.

Server Setup Information

  • Version 5.3.0 (Single server)
  • Apps Engine Version 1.35.0
  • Node Version v14.19.3
  • Database Migration 281 (November 5, 2022 18:47)
  • MongoDB 5.0.6 / wiredTiger (oplog Enabled)
  • Proxy: Ngnix

Any additional Information

{"level":40,"time":"2022-11-05T17:47:09.050Z","pid":8,"hostname":"594e6e2ec6ba","name":"InstanceStartup","msg":"You are operating multiple instances... some features will not behave as designed."} {"level":40,"time":"2022-11-05T17:47:09.058Z","pid":8,"hostname":"594e6e2ec6ba","name":"StreamBroadcast","msg":"You are operating multiple instances... some features will not behave as designed."}


We have covered this message on our last Community Open Call. Check it out:

OK so to summarize

Rocketchat is abandonning running multiple instances on the community version ?

If yes, to be honnest after Mobile push limitation, we will consider to move away to something else…

Do you have the timestamp, roughly, where it is discussed?


they are talking about it at 30 minutes and 52 seconds but sound is not good at this moment

@dudanogueira As I understand it, the community version will cease to support multiple instances, but it doesn’t answer my initial question, if something is wrong in my current (single) server setup, based on this error message?

I also struggle with the 10K push notification limit. I’d like to see a affordable way to get rid of this for non-commercial usage.

Single instances seem not to be affected, it is just a warning in case you will do some broadcasting to other instances.

They say in the video that RC 6.0 will migrate to a micro service architecture. That’s good! But it seems to get the messaging bus between the worker nodes activated you need an active enterprise subscription. This would certainly restrict several larger non-profit deployments. Could you confirm that micro-service will only work with a subscription @sing.li ?