Upgraded from 5.4.8 to 6.4.6 and having random crashes


I upgraded my RC from 4.8.x to 6.4.6, passing by 5.4.10. All this is due to the message on mobile app about deprecating all backend versions using < 6.x

Everything went well up to 5.4.10, with no crashing. But after upgrading to 6.4.x I start to have random crashes on rocket-server, but the weird thing is we do not have meaningful messages, just a “34 killed main.js” not more, which is annoying.

NOTE: The message above the kill is this one, but I have a few of them, and those aren’t killing the processor.

ocketchat-rocketchat-1  | {"level":40,"time":"2023-11-19T16:50:55.138Z","pid":107,"hostname":"2147d59cc16b","name":"DeprecationWarning","section":"API","msg":"The parameter \"query\" in the endpoint \"/api/v1/settings.public\"is deprecated and will be removed on version 7.0.0"}

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server:
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Deployment Method: Docker
  • Number of Running Instances:
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version: 14.21.3
  • MongoDB Version: 4.4.25
  • Proxy: nginx

Any additional Information

I have the same issue, but with snap installation

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