Unable to use "upload file" on iOS after 6.12.0

After the update from 6.12.0, “upload file” on browser and RC app on iOS no longer work. The tooltip does not pop up for uploading a file or Take a photo or video. I have tried this on several different servers and several browsers with the same result. Desktop uploads still work just fine. I have 3 different instances of RC 6.12 on different servers for testing and they all produce the same result. New installs also fail.

Ubuntu 22.04
Snap deployment
iOS version 17.6.1

This may help you when reporting issues:

Which app version please?

What file type are you talking about?

All files, some specific files?

What about server logs?

You can get the Test Fight link here to test Betas:


The app actually works now with 6.12.1. However, just browser alone on iOS, when you click the “+” and then click “Upload File”, it used to display From Library, Take a photo, and one other thing, but now pressing the “Upload File” exists out of the tooltip instead of going to the camera or the library.

Server logs do not say anything about this. Seems to be an issue with react on the browser side. This is will all browsers.

You can help the Test Flight version here. The dev does tend to keep an eye on that channel…
