Time Rocket Incorrect

I’m using rocket chat on an ubuntu server 18.04 server via snap. The rocket is an hour ahead of my server that has the correct time, how to fix the time of the snap rocket server? I found nothing in the web interface and as I already checked and the server time is correct I believe that the rocket is not taking the time of my server.


What time zone? Apparently this is a known issue for Brasil users and is under investigation.

The Time Zone is America São Paulo -3

The system show the correct time, only Rocket show wrong time

tzdata/oldstable-updates,now 2019c-0+deb9u1 all [installed]
root@chat:~# date
sex nov 8 08:40:00 -03 2019

So should we wait for the system update?

Same problem here, but haven’t found a solution yet

Its look like a problem with Node, according to Diego Sampaio…
Details: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/30211

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Bom dia, até vir a atualização corrigindo o problema alterei meu fuso horario para America/Boa_Vista, onde é -4 e diminui uma hora do horario atual.

I think the problem is with docker timezone.
Just login to container as a root
run dpkg-reconfigure tzdata & select the region.
restart the container

May be this will fix the issue.