I would like to share with the community and mainly with the development team the concern that is being had with the future development of rocket.chat
There are many of us who are betting on this platform, it is an excellent project without a doubt, we have even promoted its use in other companies and entities.
Specifically, the latest updates of the stable branch have not been good, there are multiple errors that have been generated, some of them were resolved in previous versions and recently they have reappeared.
It would be prudent, it is a consideration on the part of our network and systems team, that the developers and the community in general that continuously contributes to the development of this product put a greater emphasis on the solution of errors before generating new functionalities.
Honestly, we think a lot about whether or not we really should update for each new version that comes out. We are aware that the update will resolve a known bug, but it creates insecurity for us as we don’t know what new bug it will cause.
Please take this as constructive criticism, we want the best for rocket.chat your team.