May 4, 2022, 1:47pm
I’ve white labelled RC for testing, but I can’t seem to disable production push on my self hosted server. It’s enabled and greyed out. I can receive Android notifications but not iOS, and I’m thinking that’s why. See attached image.
Version: 4.6.3
Apps Engine: 1.31.0
Node Version: 14.18.3
May 4, 2022, 5:36pm
To disable the gateway and turn off production, do I really need to register the server and accept the privacy terms on a self hosted server using my own cert/keys?
opened 04:49AM - 14 Sep 20 UTC
### Description:
Disabling Push Gateway should not require register server & … accept privacy terms
### Steps to reproduce:
1. Install Rocket.Chat and do not register server
2. Go to Administration > Push
Second issue:
1. Even after register server & accept privacy terms
2. Set Enable Gateway to unchecked

3. Click Save changes -> sometimes "Enable gateway" **is immediately checked again**
4. Refresh browser
5. Rocket.Chat displays "Cloud registration is still pending" then "Enable gateway" **is checked again**.
### Expected behavior:
Disabling Gateway should be possible, which will enable GCM Keys etc. to be set.
### Actual behavior:
Gateway is "checked" but can't be disabled. GCM Keys etc. cannot be set.

Second issue:
Rocket.Chat displays "Cloud registration is still pending" then "Enable gateway" **is checked again**.
> Cloud registration is still pending
> Mobile notifications will not work until the registration is finished. Learn more
### Server Setup Information:
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.6.1
- Operating System: Docker
- Deployment Method: Docker or AWS Fargate
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog: `local`
- NodeJS Version: 12
- MongoDB Version: 4.0
### Client Setup Information
- Desktop App or Browser Version: Chrome
- Operating System: Ubuntu 20.04.1
### Additional context
MongoDB collection rocketchat_settings seems to confirm the value is already `false`, but for some reason Admin UI insists it's checked.

### Relevant logs:
This is probably an UI bug.
Please, let me know if overwriting this setting using env variables will work for you:
Whenever you leave the mouse hover the field label, you will get the env, variable name, like:
so the environment variable should be OVERWRITE_SETTING_Push_production=false
let me know if this works. Thanks!
May 5, 2022, 5:49pm
Hey @dudanogueira ,
Thanks for the help. I’m able to set environment variables, unfortunately I still can’t get Apple push notifications to work.
Is sever registration required for Apple push notifications to work, even when self hosting and providing my own certs/keys?
Weirdly too, if I set a variable to disable the gateway, then I cannot enable production, even if I override the production to “true”.
Any help would be great.