RS Docker: Not starting up


Cleaned all images and containers, set up fresh from compose file (see below)
But despite the label saying “up 10 minutes” at “docker-entrypoint.s…” I can’t connect to the rocketchat.
Successfully imported a collection from an older version into mongo and it shows that db and collection that I can also db.rocketchat_settings.find() into (for example)

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 6.4.0 (also tried “latest”)
  • Operating System: ubuntu 22
  • Deployment Method: docker
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: ?
  • NodeJS Version: docker
  • MongoDB Version: 5.0
  • Proxy: traefik (I dont use https at the moment, I once got the setup wizard to work but since I already have a full chat, I do not need setup wizard and need a way to skip that, since its absolutely pointless
  • Firewalls involved: none

Any additional Information

roy@ubuntu22-rocketchat:~/rc_Docker$ docker logs c5cb2da55946
Some indexes for collection ‘rocketchat_uploads’ could not be created:
An existing index has the same name as the requested index. When index names are not specified, they are auto generated and can cause conflicts. Please refer to our documentation. Requested index: { v: 2, key: { rid: 1 }, name: “rid_1”, sparse: true }, existing index: { v: 2, key: { rid: 1 }, name: “rid_1” }
strict mode: missing type “object” for keyword “additionalProperties” at “#” (strictTypes)
strict mode: missing type “object” for keyword “properties” at “#” (strictTypes)
strict mode: use allowUnionTypes to allow union type keyword at “#/properties/value” (strictTypes)
strict mode: “items” is 1-tuple, but minItems or maxItems/additionalItems are not specified or different at path “#/properties/matrixIds”
(node:1) NOTE: We are formalizing our plans to enter AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2) into maintenance mode in 2023.

Please migrate your code to use AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3).
For more information, check the migration guide at Migrating your code to SDK for JavaScript V3 - AWS SDK for JavaScript
(Use node --trace-warnings ... to show where the warning was created)
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
MessageType.render is deprecated. Use MessageType.message instead. livechat_webrtc_video_call
{“level”:40,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:03.992Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“VoIPService”,“msg”:“Voip is not enabled. Cant start the service”}
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:04.162Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“Federation”,“section”:“Setup”,“msg”:“Federation is disabled”}
Some indexes for collection ‘rocketchat_livechat_priority’ could not be created:
An existing index has the same name as the requested index. When index names are not specified, they are auto generated and can cause conflicts. Please refer to our documentation. Requested index: { v: 2, unique: true, key: { name: 1 }, name: “name_1”, partialFilterExpression: { $and: [ { name: { $exists: true } }, { name: { $gt: “” } } ] } }, existing index: { v: 2, unique: true, key: { name: 1 }, name: “name_1” }
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:04.624Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“Search Logger”,“msg”:“create search provider defaultProvider”}
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:04.666Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“System”,“msg”:“Updating process.env.MAIL_URL”}
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:05.666Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“EmailInbox”,“msg”:“Email Interceptor…”}
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:05.666Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“EmailInbox”,“msg”:“Email Interceptor Stopped…”}
{“level”:30,“time”:“2023-11-18T10:15:06.082Z”,“pid”:1,“hostname”:“c5cb2da55946”,“name”:“CAS”,“msg”:“Disabling CAS login service”}
…and here it hangs and doesnt go further

What else information do you need? I got it working before with an older dump from a rocketchat 4.8.x instance, but now it doesnt seem to work anymore and I can’t find the issue and need help with someone who knows docker and rocketchat and mongo well.
I do not want that setup wizard, it is pointless since I already have data…
I do not want HTTPS at the moment
server hostname, IP and all that stuff is correct

other notes

I find that the official rocketchat setup faq/help from rocket chat is not 100% working and/or is not fool proof

dropping the db and importing the latest dump has the exact same effect, docker rocketchat starting but stuck at that last CAS",“msg”:“Disabling CAS login service” message and the chat is not reachable.
How can I restore a dump into rocketchat docker and have it working fine afterwards?

dropping the database gets me the stupid setup wizard, of couse because its an empty database.
But I need my old data in that new rocketchat without a setup wizard,
how can I do that?

after dropping, requesting the setup wizard (without completing it, since completion is IMPOSSIBLE since the next button isnt working) and importing the DB without dropping I got the server to start, yet it hangs at the three dots “loading…” and nothing happens on either the windows client or website directly (doesnt matter via IP or HOSTNAME)
env variable is set properly, see log below:

[2023-11-18T10:51:56.434Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: Node ID: <UUID>
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.435Z] INFO  <UUID>/REGISTRY: Strategy: RoundRobinStrategy
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.435Z] INFO  <UUID>/REGISTRY: Discoverer: LocalDiscoverer
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.436Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: Serializer: JSONSerializer
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.454Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: Validator: FastestValidator
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.456Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: Registered 13 middleware(s).
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.457Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: Transporter: TcpTransporter
{"level":51,"time":"2023-11-18T10:51:56.480Z","pid":1,"hostname":"d00bc5c3ef09","name":"DatabaseWatcher","msg":"Using change streams"}
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.534Z] INFO  <UUID>/TRANSIT: Connecting to the transporter...
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.538Z] INFO  <UUID>/TRANSPORTER: TCP server is listening on port 42131
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.539Z] INFO  <UUID>/TRANSPORTER: UDP Discovery is disabled.
[2023-11-18T10:51:56.540Z] INFO  <UUID>/TRANSPORTER: TCP Transporter started.
ufs: temp directory created at "/tmp/ufs"
(node:1) [MONGODB DRIVER] Warning: cursor.count is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version, please use `collection.estimatedDocumentCount` or `collection.countDocuments` instead
[2023-11-18T10:51:57.061Z] INFO  <UUID>/REGISTRY: '$node' service is registered.
[2023-11-18T10:51:57.062Z] INFO  <UUID>/REGISTRY: 'matrix' service is registered.
[2023-11-18T10:51:57.063Z] INFO  <UUID>/$NODE: Service '$node' started.
[2023-11-18T10:51:57.063Z] INFO  <UUID>/MATRIX: Service 'matrix' started.
[2023-11-18T10:51:57.063Z] INFO  <UUID>/BROKER: ✔ ServiceBroker with 2 service(s) started successfully in 588ms.
|                     SERVER RUNNING                     |
|                                                        |
|  Rocket.Chat Version: 6.4.6                            |
|       NodeJS Version: 14.21.3 - x64                    |
|      MongoDB Version: 5.0.22                           |
|       MongoDB Engine: wiredTiger                       |
|             Platform: linux                            |
|         Process Port: 3000                             |
|             Site URL: http://ubuntu22-rocketchat:3000  |
|     ReplicaSet OpLog: Enabled                          |
|          Commit Hash: <ID>                       |
|        Commit Branch: HEAD                             |
|                                                        |
{"level":30,"time":"2023-11-18T10:54:04.934Z","pid":1,"hostname":"d00bc5c3ef09","name":"System","msg":"Setting default file store to GridFS"}
{"level":30,"time":"2023-11-18T10:54:05.931Z","pid":1,"hostname":"d00bc5c3ef09","name":"CAS","msg":"Disabling CAS login service"}
{"level":35,"time":"2023-11-18T10:58:46.323Z","pid":1,"hostname":"d00bc5c3ef09","name":"API","method":"GET","url":"/api/info","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Rocket.Chat/3.9.10 Chrome/108.0.5359.215 Electron/22.3.27 Safari/537.36","host":"ubuntu22-rocketchat:3000","remoteIP":"XXX.XXX.XXX.189","status":200,"responseTime":27}
{"level":40,"time":"2023-11-18T10:58:47.599Z","pid":1,"hostname":"d00bc5c3ef09","name":"DeprecationWarning","section":"API","msg":"The parameter \"query\" in the endpoint \"/api/v1/settings.public\" is deprecated and will be removed on version 7.0.0"}

after a simple docker compose down and docker compose up -d the issue above exists again and the server isnt starting up.
Wish this stuff was more stable, I mean its just a super simple SQL database and some java script to query stuff… how hard can it be to get this to work??
I’m really really annoyed by this rocketchat stuff not working