We have a self-hosted RocketChat server behind an NginxProxyManager. The Windows and Mac apps work without any problems. The iOS app also works perfectly. Only in the Android app we cannot log in. When you click on log in on the login screen, nothing happens.
Is there a bug in the Android app or are certain proxy settings necessary?
Since we deployed the RocketChat Server via Snap there should be no Traefik Proxy involved.
I disabled the automatic Caddy Reverse Proxy and used Nginx Proxy Manager as the Proxy.
Before we had the NPM as Reverse Proxy we used a Sophos UTM SG as Reverse Proxy which is based on Apache2 with Mod Security. With the Sophos as Reverse Proxy RocketChat worked fine on all Devices.
I have successfully solved the problem. I removed all custom Nginx configurations which I had set in the troubleshooting process and set the following settings in NPM.
As an aside on this. I have no idea where or how you are running your NPM.
First you should have http/2 and HSTS enabled.
Next remember that Rocket runs on port 3000 (it is accessible by http but it is NOT a http server) It does not run on https 443
So for a reverse proxy on the same machine with no containers you would point to
My own set up uses Apache. The Rocket instance runs in docker but in host mode rather than bridge. So Rocket is exposed directly at which is where my reverse proxy points.