Rocket.Chat user limitations

Aaron, thanks for your reply.

What are the limitations for the number of connected users?

We’ve setup an instance of Rocket.Chat, with replica set and oplog tailing.
We’ve also configured mongodb logrotate to avoid large extremely large log files.

First, we’ve created a small amount of users and checked the login time (via websocket API).
The “login” method takes several (4-5) seconds to execute.

Then, we’ve added even more users (150 000+) and checked the login time.
After that, the"login" method takes 20-30 seconds to execute.

Moreover, we didn’t have any significant number of connections to our Rocket.Chat server at that moment, so I assume that running several Rocket.Chat instances won’t help us in this case.

That’s why we are worried about Rocket.Chat performance correlation with the overall number of users.