Rocket.Chat on Raspberry PI Zero: Illegal Instruction

Hi all,

I’ve managed to build the Rocket.Chat server on my Raspberry PI zero using a few tips from the following thread: Armhf snap builds for raspberry pi

However, when running the app with node main.js, I get an Illegal Instrunction error right after the ‘Setting local storage to GridFS’ step. I thought the issue was with node’s architecture (I installed npm with apt-get), so I made sure to grab the arm6 version from and installed it manually - but I still get that illegal instruction error. Here’s the log:

Will load cache for users
0 records load from users
Will load cache for rocketchat_room
0 records load from rocketchat_room
Will load cache for rocketchat_subscription
0 records load from rocketchat_subscription
Will load cache for rocketchat_settings
408 records load from rocketchat_settings
Updating process.env.MAIL_URL
Starting Email Intercepter...
Will load cache for rocketchat_permissions
0 records load from rocketchat_permissions
Will load cache for rocketchat_roles
0 records load from rocketchat_roles
Setting default file store to GridFS
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
Setting default file store to GridFS
Setting default file store to GridFS
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
LocalStore: store created at
Setting default file store to GridFS
./ line 4:  3107 Illegal instruction     node Rocket.Chat/main.js

Did anyone have success with this?