Rocket.Chat errors on Android mobile

Rocket.Chat 7.2.1

We have two very specific errors that occur only on Android Mobile Devices, everything else is working perfectly, including Jitsi Meet.

We have nginx acting as a reverse proxy for SSL, configured using the instructions at, and is working fine.

The first error only happens with MS Edge on Android. Chrome, Samsung Internet, and other mobile browsers work fine, and all IOS mobile devices work fine as well.

This error happens after you connect to the site and are getting the three dots displayed:

mongo_utils.js:11 Uncaught Error: The core-js npm package could not be found in your node_modules
directory. Please run the following command to install it:

meteor npm install --save core-js

at t (mongo_utils.js:11:1)
at g (url_common.js:81:1)
at d.r (url_common.js:81:1)
at er.require (verifyErrors.js:34:1)
at Object.t [as require] (url_common.js:81:1)
at a (load-js-image.js:69:1)
at load-js-image.js:106:1
at t (load-js-image.js:109:1)
at Object.t [as queue] (load-js-image.js:42:1)
at mongo_utils.js:11:1

t @ mongo_utils.js:11
g @ url_common.js:81
r @ url_common.js:81
er.require @ verifyErrors.js:34
t @ url_common.js:81
a @ load-js-image.js:69
(anonymous) @ load-js-image.js:106
t @ load-js-image.js:109
t @ load-js-image.js:42
(anonymous) @ mongo_utils.js:11

The second error only occurs on Android Devices when using the Rocket.Chat mobile app installed. It’s the “Invalid Workspace URL” error. The test Open Rocket.Chat appears to work fine, but our implementation does not.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

Please let me know if you need any more information on the environment or need any more detail on anything.

Thank you.

I think that you browser issue is not likely to get a fix if it is actually a bug.

They have a list of supported browsers. They’d likely recommend the app on mobile regardless.

Those two say it all.

Have a read here:

Also note this if you had done a search:

I suspect your first issue is possibly related.

Hi, were you able to solve this issue? I’m experiencing the same problem. I’m running Rocket.Chat 7.2.1 with MongoDB 6.0 on Ubuntu 24 LTS, installed manually. Unfortunately, the latest version of the Android app doesn’t work and shows ‘Invalid Workspace URL,’ while it works fine on iOS.

Read all the above links.

Test it can connect to

Have you gota properly setup proxy in front with SSL enabled?

Server Setup Information:

  • Licence type: Starter
  • Number of users: ~15
  • Server hardware: Hyper-V (local)
  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 7.2.1
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
  • Deployment Method: tar (manual installation)
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: Enabled (rs0)
  • NodeJS Version: 20.18.0
  • MongoDB Version: 6.0

Client Information:

  • Client type: React-Native app (Android)
  • Android version: 4.57
  • Issue: “Invalid Workspace URL” error
  • Works on: iOS

I have SSL properly configured using Nginx as a reverse proxy, following the official Rocket.Chat documentation: Configuring SSL Reverse Proxy.

Additionally, the connection works fine on iOS, but the Android app still shows the ‘Invalid Workspace URL’ error. I have also tested connecting to, and that works fine.

So there is something wrong with your setup, and likely with your proxy though I would check your site/root URL is set correctly for https.

Note there were some issues with Rocket chat backend over the weekend that may have affected you.

It might be worth while clearing the app data, or even uninstall/reinstall and checking again.

(Normally iOS is fussier than Android)

Thank you for the response and suggestions. I’ve tested various configurations, but unfortunately, without success. I also tested on a virtual Android device, and the issue persists. I’ve also created a fresh test instance of Rocket.Chat, but I still can’t connect from the Android app.

Looking at the traffic in Wireshark, it seems that the app is having trouble connecting, possibly due to an issue with the TLS version. However, I don’t see any errors related to Android connections in the Nginx logs.

Additionally, I wanted to ask if port 80 needs to be forwarded? Currently, I have only port 443 forwarded to the reverse proxy on the router.

Thanks in advance!

You can but don’t think it is necessary.
If nginx is properly setup it should push http/80 to https/443 anyway.

This could be it but then iOS is usually more fussy.

What handsets are you using for Android?

What do your logs say?

Also note tar is not a recommended deployment method.

As per the docs, docker or snaps. Much easier to manage as well.