[question] Cannot turn on answer charts on dashboard?

Hi all,
I tried to turn on answer charts on dashboard, but the page displayed Not allowed, I’m wondering why, where should I do the config?

Hi! Welcome to our Community :slight_smile:

Can you make sure this is marked as an Agent in Omnichannel > Agent

If only admin or manager, it will not allow to answer chats, as you don’t have the livechat-agent role.

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thanks for the tip!
I have bot user auto join a session and reply customers questions.
Is there a way that live-agents could also receive customers messages too?


You can certainly do this one way or another.

For example, your bot can add a new agent to the conversation as soon as it enters.

You can do this both from the bot side, by consuming Rocket.Chat APIs. or you can create an App that could replicate the messages on a channel, for example.

Let me know if this helps :slight_smile:

i got agent not Found But when i am trying to check agent list in Omnichannel > Agent i have more than 4 agents

Please start a new thread - no point in replying to one that is nearly 2 years old.