Push notification pricing

I’ve raised a few concerns here:

A primary one is where notifications get sent when I am at my desktop and autoaway is set.

I don’t have Rocket in focus very often - I check periodically - so I get a notification to my mobile even though it isn’t required. Multiply that by a few users and suddenly you get dozens of unrequired notifications.

Yes, I could set it to mentions only, but then people are going to be mentioning me every 5 minutes if they aren’t sure where I am, ‘just in case’.

And then if I am out, and the Rocket app doesn’t have focus, I may get a dozen notifications when maybe I only need one.

As I mention in the original post.

1000 messages per month.

30 or so messages a day between even 6 users is just 5 notifications per device per day.

Unfortunately this is going to apply to the vast majority of users, not just the ‘20% of large users’.