No App badge update

I no longer get any unread messages badge updates on iOS, anyone else experience this? Running agains a 4.8.2 server.


Have you seen this Github Issue? We need help to figure out this issues, as we can’t reproduce it consistently.

Let me know if you can help us here so I can put you in touch with our dev team.


tbh, no, I didn’t see that. But I have several iOS users, and I’d be happy to assist in any way I can.
(As a “bonus”, maybe we could get this fixed as well? :wink: )

Oh! That’s a nice catch!
Thanks for pointing out!

Can we reproduce this notification issue on a new, clean, docker environment, with the same versions you are using?

After that, can we check if in latest version it is already fixed?

Also, we need to consider this workflow to understand when a notification is sent:

One cause of weird issues and behaviors I have seen is wrong SSL configuration. Can you check both and your public domain in one of those Online SSL Check site and see if there is a difference?

Is your instance on a Cloud Service or on premisses?

That’s a lot to ask, I know, but the cause of those edge cases are usually in tiny details.


Certificate validates fine, same with

My instance is on-premise, running docker-compose on a Photon4 OS. It’s behind a Ngnix proxy:
Upgrade $http_upgrade
Connection @connection_upgrade
Host $http_host
X-Real-IP $remote addr
X-forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for
X-Forwarded-Proto https
X-Ngnix-Proxy true

I don’t know if it’s related, but we often hit the 10.000 notification celing (Have a meeting with your sales team tomorrow :wink: ). My assumption would be that unread messages, still would show on the badge.


Probably not. Don’t quote me on this, but I believe the mobile will show all unread notifications, so if non are received, it will not show them.

We had, for example, situations where a hidden room had unread messages, so the badge was getting stuck there.

However, if you receive the notification, it should be shown in the badges.

From a user perspective I would expect the badge to reflect all unread message, alerted by notification or not. Does not make sense that the user have to get notificed, to be able to see how many messages they haven’t read :slight_smile:. But I have no clue if the badge-update is reliant on the notification mechanism on RC or not. I don’t see that dependency in other apps like Telegram, Signal, Slack ect.

Ok, some more info into this.

The mobile will only show the notifications, so all the logic comes from back end, according to that notification workflow.

Can you reproduce this on our open server?
Is this consistent with all your users?
Could you hand us a test user in your server?


Sorry for the late response. I’ll send you a PM with server + login details
Seems like no iOS user gets badges updated.

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Strangely enough, badges are now working again without me changing anything :thinking:

@dudanogueira Has anything in your end?

Not really.

I was about to address it this week :confused:

Strange indeed. Everyrhing is still at the same versions as before. No config changes have been done in this end. That worries me a bit

Stopped working again :astonished:

Have now updated to 5.1.1, and there’s not badge updates at all any longer :(. How can we get to the bottom of this?

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Same problem here. :frowning:
(Self hosted server 5.4.3, iOS App, using the push service from

After a quick research it appears to me, that the icon badge counter is set by local notifications, not with push notifications. So the App would wake up from the push notification and then set the badge counter accordingly with local notifications. Here is an article how to set that up with ReactNative: Creating React Native badge components in iOS - LogRocket Blog
(I didn’t look at the code of the iOS App yet, so no idea if it maybe is already done that way.)

The thing is, that it works sometime but very seldom. My users are getting tired of lack of notifications and loss of badge updates, so I probably need to find an alternative :frowning:

have you checked the github issue above? there is a global setting for that.

No, didn’t see that. I’ll test it out. Thanks for your help!