Message quote issue

There is some issue with quoting messages on my server.
When quoting, before the message there is a visible url (I supposed to the quoted message).
It all started after updating to version 4 of rocketchat ( dont remember what exact version)
And only mobile clients were affected by this issue. On the web everything was OK.
But after updating to 5.1.4 version the problem started also thru the web.

On mobile client (iOS):

On Web client:

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 5.1.4
  • Operating System:
  • Deployment Method: docker
  • Number of Running Instances: 3
  • DB Replicaset Oplog: yes
  • NodeJS Version: 14.19.3
  • MongoDB Version: 5.0.13
  • Proxy: nginx
  • Firewalls involved: yes

Any additional Information

There is no errors or anything in rocketchat server log or in chrome devtools console.
The only thing is the error when rockerchat start about dublicated key, but I dont think that it is relevant

Some indexes for collection ‘rocketchat_read_receipts’ could not be created:
2022-10-08T21:18:25.863827684Z E11000 duplicate key error collection: rocketchatdb.rocketchat_read_receipts index: roomId_1_userId_1_messageId_1 dup key: { roomId: “CPkfThxvdfgyj7vtzM”, userId: “prCbdhjuHT6Nv8gqG”, messageId: “zwhmVNj8srtfJYiwI” }

The issue exist in all chats on the server, direct and channels
Any ideas where to look would be appreciated.


Not sure how to reproduce this.

Can you test on latest 5.2.rc-4?

If you want to help us test newer version, considering joining our Beta Testers Channel


I’ve digged deeper into message how it is stored in mongo db

here is a message with quote issue:

here is a message with no issue ( I have a test server with the same versions as production):

With red I marked where are the differences.
so the issue is when writing a message, not when showing it in web or mobile client.

ignoreParse: True

I think this is giving all that effect, but from where it is coming from?

I guess I found the culprit.

It is a message parser.

urls where there is a minus after first letter in domain name are not recognized as urls but like plain text, i.e. urls like this:

I have a domain name like these examples.

here is the example, is not recognized as url,
but is ok


so I guess I need to wait at least forever while this would be fixed.

Oh, that’s a nice catch!

I can confirm. I have searched for a similar and could not find.

Would you mind going ahead and opening one?


Hi! Looks like this issue is related:

I have the same issue since 5.3.0.
I upgraded today from 5.1.3 which was working fine.
I have no minus in my server url at all! just letters and numbers like ‘

Are there any news on this?

Hi! We have been fixing a lot of issues regarding the message parser.

I think we need to make sure that this issue you are facing is somehow covered in one of the issues already listed in Message Parser · GitHub

If not, we should open a new issue and add it to this project.

Let me know if this helps.

I dont know. I cannot find something related to this!

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I think you can go ahead and open an issue.

I have tested those urls:

Can you please create an issue for that? So we can try having more URL issues around that.

this one will work with numbers on the begining of the domain :frowning:

something is off on that.

Please, let me know if you can open the issue.


Here is the created Issue:

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i can confirm. the issue is gone on 5.4.0-rc.0 (rc.1) !

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