Merge two RocketChat Servers to One

I have two rocketchat instances up and running and work without problem. this two rocketchat servers was for two separate company and the decided to merge the company’s.

thats why, we need to merge rocketchat.

my data files stores in amazon aws s3 buckets so thats easy.
but the groups, discussions, private messages are stored locally in servers.

how can i migrate one to another? i found a thread that mentioned this request before but that did not go well.

i think the first part should be to migrate both rc instances to docker, but i don’t know whats the next step :frowning:

any idea?

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server:
  • Operating System: Ubuntu 22
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 2
  • Proxy: NginX
  • Firewalls involved: No

The short

Won’t hurt, but won’t help. It needs the DBs merging.

In short there isn’t one…

It would need some serious DB wrangling to merge the data.

I have seen it asked once or twice but never seen an answer.

I’ll try and ask one of the team about possibilities of merging collections.

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So a dev friend said:

In theory as long as unique users…. It might be ok

The #general channel on both would clash… not sure how well the messages and state of that channel would reconcile. Settings would clash… so would have to pick one to win and wipe out the settings in the mongodump from the other.

Other than that… it might ok-ish

You need to set up a test rig and play. I’m not sure what other duplicate issjes you’d need to check - channel names etc

Plenty if testing & backups required.

@imanerfanian please come back and share what you have to do (if you are successful in merging the servers). I am quite sure it can be useful information for another community member sometimes in the future. :pray: