Do both follow this exact setup? If so you cannot. Currently snaps only allow 1 snap install per server. So won’t be possible to run both on the same server.
Thank you for your answer;
I mean that I have two rocket chat servers, all install with snap; I do not want run 2 instances in one server but want merge data form one to another server
I try to use rocketchat-server.restoredb (follow this link: but not work, This will delete old database
is still the case that snaps only allow 1 install per server? Does this mean that a snap install has this shortcoming as well: “single-threaded nature of Node.js applications; they can’t take advantage of multiple cores natively.”
Which would mean that on a 4-core server a snap install wouldn’t make sense? That I should consider a non-snap with multiple instances to utilize all cores better? Thanks!