Marketplace apps download without any internet connection (offline installer)


I plan to install a Rocket.cCat server on-premise w/o any internet connection. If I was able to install the server, I’m stuck as I don’t find a way to install any Apps (mostly Atlassian integration tools) as my server can’t access the marketplace and I don’t find any offline installer of Apps. It seems possible to install an app through the Administration interface by uploading a zip file.

I don’t find any documentation or similar topic, but I’m sure someone can help.


Mister B

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Did you managed to get any information, I am also looking for same. From the production server , internet access is blocked and RocketChat must need to be connected to internet if we want to install any app or even want to use any installed app


Unfortunately this is a current limitation we have being working to fix, the solution is already in progress and will be released on version 2.1 (September 27th), we call it air-gapped workspaces and it’s our first one priority at our marketplace team right now.

if you are a paying client using our enterprise version we can provide the files to be installed by you manually.