Looking for an UI-Kit example, documentation


there is a Rocket.Chat documentation page https://developer.rocket.chat/apps-engine/uikit/uikit-building-blocks but no description how to use that. Is there somewhere an example or a documentation of the UI-KIT usage?

thanks in advance

Hi @frank.dase

We’re currently looking into this. Hopefully we’ll have something for the community by EOY.

Thanks for your interest :slight_smile:

@debdut.chakraborty meanwhile there is something.

Check this page: https://developer.rocket.chat/apps-engine/fundamentals-of-apps/uikit/action-buttons

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Hi! I’m also new on rocketchat app engine. Is there any example on how to interact with the UI when the agent is not interacting with the livechat for, let’s say, x minutes? What I need is really to call his/her attention when a livechat visitor is waiting for while… Thanks in advance!

I have been struggling to find any documentation and examples.
Fond something really useful, not really an example but an app:

I have no idea what’s the app about, but they use all the blocks in the new (non deprecated) version. It was really helpful for me.

I’m posting it here because I got to this page every time I tried to find examples. I hope it helps, and a shout-out to the guy who created that app. (no idea how he figured out the documentation)