Incorrect naming while creating private group with importing CSV

Hi, i am trying to import csv to rocketchat to create private group. I found that if the room name contain number, it will add a dash before and after the number.
For example , the group name in csv is “a123b-t01-1904”, the final result will be “a-123-b-t-01-1904”

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 2.1.1
  • Operating System: Ubuntu
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • MongoDB Version: 3.6.14

Any additional Information

Meteor ➔ method createPrivateGroup -> userId: AC5ENXjxrFHkfkZKd , arguments: [ ‘a123b-t01-1904’, [ ‘admin’ ] ]
Meteor ➔ method getImportProgress -> userId: AC5ENXjxrFHkfkZKd , arguments: [ ‘csv’ ]
Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Execute Trigger: roomCreated
Integrations ➔ Outgoing WebHook.debug Got the event arguments for the event: roomCreated { event: ‘roomCreated’, owner: { _ id: ‘AC5ENXjxrFHkfkZKd’, username: ‘admin’ }, room: { name: ‘a-123-b-t-01-1904’, fname: ‘a123b-t01-1904’, t: ‘p’, msgs: 0, usersCount: 0, u: { _id: ‘AC5ENXjxrFHkfkZKd’, username: ‘admin’ }, customFields: {}, ts: 2019-11-15T09:53:53.883Z, ro: false, sysMes: true, _ updatedAt: 2019-11-15T09:53:53.887Z, _id: ‘HwNSWPLi8ekQ9PDGe’ } }