How to upgrade to Rocketchat-server 5.x with snap


I’m trying to upgrade to Rocketchat-server 5.x using snap. I have changed snap to use the 5.x/stable channel, however I get the error:

error: snap “rocketchat-server” is not available on 5.x/stable but is available to install on the
following tracks:

   latest/stable  snap refresh --stable rocketchat-server
   4.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=4.x rocketchat-server
   3.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=3.x rocketchat-server
   2.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=2.x rocketchat-server

Yet I see that rocketchat-server version 5.3.4 is available on the 5.x/stable channel here:

Any idea why I cannot install it from snap?

Thanks for any help.

Is the architecture arm?


Same error for me. I use Debian 11 x86_64.

This is return of “snap info rocketchat-server” command :

name: rocketchat-server
summary: Rocket.Chat server
publisher: Rocket.Chat (rocketchat✓)
store-url: Install Rocket.Chat Server on Linux | Snap Store
contact: Rocket.Chat
license: unset
description: |
Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.

  • rocketchat-server.backupdb
  • rocketchat-server.mongo
  • rocketchat-server.restoredb
    rocketchat-server.rocketchat-caddy: simple, disabled, inactive
    rocketchat-server.rocketchat-mongo: forking, enabled, active
    rocketchat-server: simple, enabled, active
    snap-id: #######################
    tracking: 4.x/stable
    refresh-date: today at 19:15 CET
    5.x/stable: 5.4.0 2022-12-07 (1536) 300MB -
    5.x/candidate: 5.4.0 2022-12-07 (1536) 300MB -
    5.x/beta: 5.3.4 2022-11-30 (1532) 292MB -
    5.x/edge: 5.4.0 2022-12-07 (1536) 300MB -

Yes, the architecture is ARM. Using Raspberry Pi OS 11 to be exact, with a fresh install a few weeks ago. I thought Raspberry Pi OS pulls from the upstream Debian repo.

I found the solution : there was no write permission on “/var/snap/rocketchat-server/current/OVERWRITE_SETTING_Site_Url.env” file.

Just changing with “chattr -i [file]” command and it works.

Unfortunately, I don’t seem to have that file in that directory:

pi@myserver:/var/snap/rocketchat-server/current $ ls
Caddyfile Caddyfile.orig mongod.conf

Any other ideas? Thanks.

Just try “snap refresh rocketchat-server” and see if there is an error on a file.

When running “snap refresh rockchat-server”, I am getting:

error: snap "rocketchat-server" is not available on 5.x/stable but is available to install on the
       following tracks:

       latest/stable  snap refresh --stable rocketchat-server
       4.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=4.x rocketchat-server
       3.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=3.x rocketchat-server
       2.x/stable     snap refresh --channel=2.x rocketchat-server

       Please be mindful that different tracks may include different features. Get more information
       with 'snap info rocketchat-server'.

If I do a “snap info rocketchat-server”, I get:

name:      rocketchat-server
summary:   Rocket.Chat server
publisher: Rocket.Chat (rocketchat✓)
license:   unset
description: |
  Have your own Slack like online chat, built with Meteor.
  - rocketchat-server.backupdb
  - rocketchat-server.mongo
  - rocketchat-server.restoredb
  rocketchat-server.rocketchat-caddy: simple, enabled, active
  rocketchat-server.rocketchat-mongo: forking, enabled, active
  rocketchat-server:                  simple, enabled, active
snap-id:      wdBUbiEuMNHmAHLBCXQXOcXaOCvbWS1e
tracking:     5.x/stable
refresh-date: 25 days ago, at 07:35 EST
  latest/stable:    3.18.2 2021-12-06 (1495) 217MB -
  latest/candidate: 3.18.2 2021-12-06 (1495) 217MB -
  latest/beta:      3.18.2 2021-12-06 (1495) 217MB -
  latest/edge:      3.18.2 2021-12-06 (1495) 217MB -
  4.x/stable:       4.1.2  2021-12-15 (1496) 212MB -
  4.x/candidate:    4.1.2  2021-12-15 (1496) 212MB -
  4.x/beta:         4.6.4  2022-06-07 (1519) 282MB -
  4.x/edge:         4.1.2  2021-11-19 (1496) 212MB -
  3.x/stable:       3.18.2 2021-11-28 (1495) 217MB -
  3.x/candidate:    3.18.2 2021-11-28 (1495) 217MB -
  3.x/beta:         3.18.2 2021-11-28 (1495) 217MB -
  3.x/edge:         3.18.2 2021-11-28 (1495) 217MB -
  2.x/stable:       2.4.9  2020-02-19 (1423) 272MB -
  2.x/candidate:    ↑
  2.x/beta:         ↑
  2.x/edge:         ↑
installed:          4.1.2             (1496) 212MB -

As shown we are on 4.1.2, but trying to upgrade to latext 5.x/stable.

Is there a better place to look for errors?

I discovered that the reason I am not seeing the current versions is that the ARM64 releases on are behind, compared to other architectures like AMD64, etc.

Are there any plans to release current snaps of Rocketchat-server for ARM64?

Thanks again.