Force a Jitsi Videoconference to all users in channel?

We have a Rocketchat channel is comprised of students and one teacher. The teacher wants to broadcast a video call in channel and force all users to see and hear him at anytime.

Is there a method to video-conference (Jitsi) all members in channel without them having to click ‘join call’?

We have our own private Jitsi Server linked to our private Rocketchat Server and is working.

We tried RocketChat livestreaming and broadcasting with OBS studio/youtube studio and was successful, but there’s a 3-5 second lag with livestream or broadcast in channel. I actually found in some RFC doc that rtsp by default has a delay.

Again, is it possible to force a video conference call in channel to where teacher (admin) is seen and heard by all users in same channel?

The jitsi video conference in rocketchat channel has zero lag time, which makes it a perfect solution for our setup.

I’m looking at Jitri to integrate with RocketChat LiveStream or Broadcast and bypassing YouTube live.

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.7.1
    -Private Jitsi Server on Debian Buster 10
  • Operating System: Centos 8
  • Deployment Method: Manual Build
  • Number of Running Instances: 1
  • DB Replicaset Oplog:
  • NodeJS Version: 12.18.4
  • MongoDB Version: 4.0.21
  • Proxy: Nginx with RTSP-Module installed
  • Firewalls involved:IPTables