Error when Logging in Using SAML / ADFS


I am hoping someone can help who has more knowledge than I.

We have been using Rocket.Chat in test for a number of weeks and have it working with SAML Auth via ADFS. This has been working wonderfully up until the the update to 0.62.

Now when we try to login we get the following error.

Sorry, an annoying error occured
TypeError: profile.nameIDFormat.indexOf is not a function

There has been no changes to our Production ADFS Infrastructure so I can only assume this is a fault / change in a recent Rocket.Chat Update.

Does anyone know of a fix or how to change the login method back to local as I am unable to login.


Peter Drage

Are you using the snap install? Otherwise you should not have seen an automatic update. Just want to be sure.

Yes we are using SNAP Installation on Ubuntu behind NGINX.

Everything was fine on 0.61 went to log in today before deploying to wider audeanice and unable to login with above error.

Tried doing a sudo snap revert rocketchat-server appears to work but then unable to connect to site at all.

A migration happened with 0.62.0 so reverting unfortunately isn’t as easy.

Checking the release notes… I don’t see anything related to ldap that has changed:

Can you describe your setup with ldap a bit? Maybe we can figure out what happened.


We are not using LDAP to login.

We have configured SAML Auth that connects to our Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) Server.

This has been working flawlessly in 0.61 but once the SNAP up[dated to 0.62.1 it now no longer works and returns the following error.

Sorry, an annoying error occured
TypeError: profile.nameIDFormat.indexOf is not a function
