Enforcing Registration Requirement to Utilize Push Gateway

Hit sync in connectivity services or give it a bit and will sync in background.

Newer versions of Rocket.Chat this is fixed so happens right on register

I’ve tried a few times but nothing change. Are there any extra configuration or caused by limitations for RC Community edition?

If you look at server logs when you do that, do you see an error? Seems like it is having issues syncing. Server logs should show.

Definitely no limitation there on community edition. This behaves same on all.

Below are the logs. Could you please let me know if something not right? Thanks again.

Oddly this looks like Rocket.Chat frontend is having an issue talking to the backend.

Can you logout of Rocket.Chat and back in and see if any difference? Or even open in a incognito window. Also what version of Rocket.Chat?

I’ve followed the instruction and the same error found. I’m still unable to sync to the cloud. I’m using Rocket.Chat Version 3.7.1 and Apps Engine Version 1.18.0 running on Centos machine.

Bringing this case to our dev team. Just to confirm your user has permissions to do other things in admin? Like save settings on another page for example.

Also single or multiple instances of Rocket.Chat running?

Yes I’m using the same credential as admin and running on single instance of Rocket.Chat

Can you open logs in terminal or even another browser window and see if an error pops up at that exact time you click sync? Just to be sure that error seen is connected.

This is the latest logs

e_restivus/lib/route.coffee:59:33 at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9
I20210111-11:07:29.007(1) Exception while invoking method loadMissedMessages Error: Invalid user [error-invalid-user] at MethodInvocation.loadMissedMessages (server/methods/loadMissedMessages.js:13:10) at MethodInvocation.methodsMap. (app/lib/server/lib/debug.js:76:34) at maybeAuditArgumentChecks (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1771:12) at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1689:15 at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12) at packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1687:36 at new Promise () at Server.applyAsync (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1686:12) at Server.apply (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1625:26) at Server.call (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1607:17) at Object.post (app/api/server/v1/misc.js:262:26) at app/api/server/api.js:394:82 at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12) at Object._internalRouteActionHandler [as action] (app/api/server/api.js:394:39) at Route.share.Route.Route._callEndpoint (packages/nimble_restivus/lib/route.coffee:150:32) at packages/nimble_restivus/lib/route.coffee:59:33 at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9 => awaited here: at Promise.await (/snap/rocketchat-server/1449/programs/server/npm/node_modules/meteor/promise/node_modules/meteor-promise/promise_server.js:60:12) at Server.apply (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1638:22) at Server.call (packages/ddp-server/livedata_server.js:1607:17) at Object.post (app/api/server/v1/misc.js:262:26) at app/api/server/api.js:394:82 at Meteor.EnvironmentVariable.EVp.withValue (packages/meteor.js:1234:12) at Object._internalRouteActionHandler [as action] (app/api/server/api.js:394:39) at Route.share.Route.Route._callEndpoint (packages/nimble_restivus/lib/route.coffee:150:32) at packages/nimble_restivus/lib/route.coffee:59:33 at packages/simple_json-routes.js:98:9

I can’t sync anymore

Hi, @aaron.ogle
After renaming my domain, I tried to re-register in the cloud, now I get this error: id: 8c1b662a-7632-4358-b8d7-a6b3f3c14056
and take error: An error occured syncing

Is there really no way to increase the maximum 20000 push messages (Support Packages)? I mean thats like a really simple way for rocketchat to make money if they would offering an increase for amount X. I would certainly pay 50€ for an increase to 50000 messages. And i think many bigger users would do the same. So is there anything planed in that regard?

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At the moment unfortunately no, but we do understand the issue and it is a matter that is under continuous discussion.

So how about now? Can we just purchase additional notifications?

We’re attempting to add a github sponsorship to our RocketChat account, but I’m getting a HTTP Error 401 when attempting associate the github authorisation.

I’m going to https://sponsorship.rocket.chat, authorising github account, authorising Rocket.Chat Cloud, then I’m redirected to the https://sponsorship.rocket.chat/cloud/workspaces page and I get a HTTP Error 401.

I’ve also submitted a support ticket for this if anyone could help.

Just want to chime in that I’ve been running into the same issue. Would you be so kind to keep me updated if you get a solution/reply to the support ticket?

Shoot me the github org / github username + workspace address and i’ll get you hooked up

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Could I message you privately? Don’t seem to be able to (maybe I’m lacking the permissions to do so).