Enforcing Registration Requirement to Utilize Push Gateway

From the OSS side I 100% do work along side the frontend / backend teams. In that regards i’m a community contributor working on the main code base because I love the project. Not because i’m paid to work on that part. From product roadmap standpoint my visibility is actually more to the cloud and our services.

Your ‘visibility’? You mean the bit you get paid for by Rocket? Come on - speak plain English and cut the corporate speak, especially for the many here for who English is a second or even third language.

This is just treating some intelligent people like they are 7 types of stupid. And you know that.

If you don’t know, then perhaps you should get someone who DOES know to spell it out. Or are they just to darn scared?

Your 1000 per day limit will catch almost everyone, unless they specifically have notifications off.

From a Cloud standpoint the data isn’t surfaced because registration had to happen before we can roll that feature out.

Complete and utter nonsense, and you know that.

We have no way of telling what our usage is because you haven’t provided the tools. How about you ‘surface’ some of that data for the admins on their systems?

Rocket sends the notifications - it isn’t like some magician or secret notification code pixie does it. It must have at least some vague idea of how many get pushed? Rocket must ALSO know how many get read too, so it knows how many were basically received (assuming the system actually works properly). Now, I understand that some awkward gits like me login in from 2 desktops and 2 mobiles most of the time so it doesn’t make it easy, but if I know the basic stats I can work that out.

I notice that you completely swerve that issue.

So quite clearly this is a push by the venture capitalists to force almost all users to a) have an account and b) charge them

Now, that’s fine. But please don’t treat users like cows to be milked which is what you ARE doing.

You expect people to pay, but we can’t get ANY idea of usage because you don’t provide the tools or feedback.

I have absolutely no idea of my usage, nor how to reduce it if I want too.

The notification systems is STILL a complete mangled mess, unreliable, and doesn’t work properly a lot of the time, not helped by the apps being flakey - I’ll suddenly get 6 notifications of something I read on the desktop 5 minutes ago. Great - so that’s going to cost me then, isn’t it?

Please. Get this fixed properly, get some tools so we can monitor what is happening (as has been asked before), and start doing this professionally instead of like a bunch of venture capitalists suddenly deciding in a crisis that they want some money back. Which is exactly what it looks like right now.


And who the SWEARS LOUDLY gave you permission to do this on my server which is not even registered? And at the same time you claim that you can’t tell about notifications, but you CAN do this sending messages to the bot and pushing a notification header with URL in a channel.


That is both shocking AND disgusting AND an invasion of privacy.

So, where’s your privacy policy on this then?

We cannot access your personal data in a self-managed instance of Rocket.Chat. Our code is open source, there are no back doors whatsoever.

Clearly there is one to enable you to do this isn’t there? So what ELSE can you do that you haven’t old anyone about???

That is plain disgusting. You should be completely and utterly ashamed of yourselves.

That completely destroys ANY trust I ever had in the Rocket team. Sorry. What a sad place this has become.