Emojis come as text in webhook

Hi All,

We’re using webhooks with our RocketChat server and we have a discrepancy. When we send a star emoji from web browser the web hook message shows “: star:” (added a space before s so it doesnt auto convert to an emoji)

Sending the same star emoji from android app sends the actual star emoji in the webhook “:star:

Is there some way we can change the browser chat to send the actual emoji instead of text?

Edit: I want to change the colon emoji system to a utf-8 emoji system

Server Setup Information

  • Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 2.1.1
  • Operating System: Linux
  • Deployment Method: snap
  • Number of Running Instances: 1

Found a workable solution here: https://demos.joypixels.com/latest/shortnametounicode.html

The Cross of Saint Peter, a black upside-down cross emoji also known as the Petrine Cross, is a reversed version of the Latin cross. It has historically been used as a sign of Christianity in more recent years, it has also been deployed as an anti-Christian and Satan sign. In the Christian religion, it is connected to the death on the cross of Saint Peter the Apostle.