I want to customize the template found at
Admin Panel → Email → Password Changed
Unfortunately the placeholder [User] doesn’t work at all.
What is the correct placeholder for the username?
Server Setup Information
- Version of Rocket.Chat Server: 3.13.1
- Operating System: Linux
- Deployment Method: hosted, managed
- Number of Running Instances: 1
- DB Replicaset Oplog:
- NodeJS Version: 12.18.4
- MongoDB Version: 4.0.23 / mmapv1 oplog enabled
Any additional Information
Admin Panel → Email → Password Changed
Have you read the bit underneath it?
Password Changed
You may use the following placeholders:
- [password] for the temporary password.
- [name], [fname], [lname] for the user’s full name, first name or last name, respectively.
- [email] for the user’s email.
- [Site_Name] and [Site_URL] for the Application Name and URL respectively.
Yes. Yes I‘ve read it. But the @username is not mentioned.
In /app/utils/lib/placeholders.js there is a [User] placeholder. But that placeholder doesn’t work.
I think [User] is used a different section - Direct Message Email Subject
I am not sure why it is only there.
If you think it should be added then please look at a new issue here:
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