Custom AI Integration

Hey Rocketchat Community :slightly_smiling_face:,

I am new with this application and I want to connect rocketchat with a custom bot (Not hubot!). In your docs you write that this should be possible. I searched the docs for something like a step by step guide but all I found was an instruction for connecting with hubot. I already did this and it worked out. But this is not what I want to do. I already have a custom coded AI and I want to integrate it into my rocketchat instance. Is there something that describes me how to do that? Do I Have to write my own Adapter (If yes, then how and any examples would be really helful)?

Thanks for your help :slightly_smiling_face:

Sounds cool :grin:

We would love to be able to write something generic enough to be helpful… but problem is people write bots in all different languages and no two are the same.

Does it happen to be wrote in JavaScript?