i wanna receives message from rocket.chat channel to skype group or channel and solved the skype side with the code:
from skpy import Skype
sk = Skype(‘user’, ‘pass’)
sk.user # you
sk.contacts # your contacts
sk.chats # your conversations
ch = sk.chats.create([“alex”, “jax”]) # new group conversation
#ch = sk.contacts[“joe.4”].chat # 1-to-1 conversation
ch.sendMsg(“hi”) # plain-text message
#ch.sendFile(open(“song.mp3”, “rb”), “song.mp3”) # file upload
#ch.sendContact(sk.contacts[“daisy.5”]) # contact sharing
ch.getMsgs() # retrieve recent messages
and use: https://rocket.chat/docs/developer-guides/rest-api/channels/messages/
then run “sh receives.sh” file that includes:
curl -H “X-Auth-Token: blah blah blah”
-H “X-User-Id: blah blah blah”
but finally received one HTML file that includes script, JSON and … that not include ever message on rocket chat
my mistake is where?