We are just using the APK for android, when connecting we did not receive the following message when trying to connect to our workspace:
CLEARTEXT communication to [our RocketChat IP or workspace name] is not allowed by network security policy.
Any solution?
Server Setup Information
Versión 3.13.2
Versión de Motor de Aplicaciones 1.24.1
Versión de Node v12.21.0
Migración de base de datos 220 (23 de abril de 2021 16:10
MongoDB 3.6.14 / wiredTiger (oplog Habilitado)
Are you running http, https, proxy?
Sounds like http://host:3000 and your firewall doesn’t like it?
I’m also seeing this issue on my self hosted chat server.
We have tried installing sociwall CA cert on our ubuntu machine which hosts the server.
Do you think changing to a different port (for example 4000) would rodnisnof the CLEARTEXT error, or do we need to get the sonicwall cert issue sorted?
Many thanks for taking time to read my question. Appreciate any insights
I can’t say for sure your issue is the same as the original because you likely have different setups.
However, you must make sure you run a webserver with a proper certificate installed and connect to that via https.
http connections will not work, no matter what port you use
Thanks John
Appreciate your prompt response.
I had imagined it might have been outside the scope of original error, apologies for that.
Thanks again
No worries.
I think this is a common issue.
The mobile app is fussier than browsers, though it won’t be long before browsers will block http.
We may as well all get used to using https everywhere.
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